Just Breathe

"I don't want to die out of breath, simply because I didn't have the guts to try at breathing" -Sunny ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I don't think I've ever told you this
But I found home with you.

I was supposed to be the one leaving for a job
Still, you left me before I was actually gone.

Love has never been the problem
Giving into fear is.

I've never felt so scared and alone
I feel homeless and abandoned now.

I miss my lover and best friend
My heart is broken and the pain is sharp

Everything hurts and I can't do anything about it
I cry every night and pills don't help at all.

I can't remember what a steady full sleep feels like
I have dark circles under my eyes and bruises throughout my body.

Food doesn't taste the same, and I've already lost too much weight
Why does it have to hurt so much?

Maybe I'm destined to be alone
I'm the one everyone leaves behind.

Am I not worthy enough for people who love me to stay and fight for me?

Yet I'm still planning on coming back home to you
Will you still be here when I come back?

Will you still be home?